According to Cambridge Dictionary , verificar means to verify and check out something to find out if it is true or not and confirm its accuracy.
It also translates email as “the system for using computers to send messages over the internet”. Hence “verificar email” is the process of examining and evaluating email addresses to see whether they exists and are valid or not.
The only way to verify email address without sending email and to make a valid email address list automatically is to use special tools created to verificar email that are known globally as:
Mail-Scraper is an extraordinary and fantastic website that has provided various tools to extract and verificar email. With respect to email validation rules, Mail-Scraper has become a reliable, quick, and affordable email verification service certifies to provide data with accuracy rate of over 98%!
You can read the list of 11 famous email accounts that all can be verified and checked via Mail-Scraper in next part.
Mail-Scraper not only verificar emails but also extract company and personal emails for anyone inquires. It gets the names or website URLs of the companies and converts them to company official emails in a few seconds. Moreover it can find the email of any person working in a certain company by getting his/her name and the company name. For instance user asks Mail-Scraper to detect any email available on the internet related to Mr. Jack Wilson working in Dream Royal Food Trading Company. As soon as the user writes or pastes company and person name and clicks on search button, the verified email addresses related to that person are demonstrated on the page! If no email was found by Mail-Scraper, you can be sure that the requested person has no email! At least 98% of the compiled emails by Mail-Scraper are correct! It can verificar emails after extraction and only shows accurate and verified emails.